About Us

Denise Lynn McSherry D.O.
Board Certified OB/GYN
Dr. McSherry with over 15 years of experience in the field of
OB/GYN Education for the OB/GYN Certifying and Qualifying exams, is passionate about teaching. Has dedicated most of her career to assisting residents and attending physicians to successfully pass the OB/GYN Board Exams.
Dr. McSherry specializes in assisting candidates who have difficult time gaining that passing score, with a conversion to passing of over 95% to pass who have previously failed.
Her journey started in 2009 when she began working alongside of Dr. Wall. With building of his business to become successful, she started her own business and website in 2023 www.drmcsherrysobgynexamprep.com with all the same principles she learned working alongside with Dr. Wall.
Whether you need to pass the boards, score high on your CREOGS or need the most updated material to pass the boards, contact Dr. McSherry
In her free time she enjoys flying her Cessna 172H. She recently passed her Private pilot check ride in June of 2024, and currently working on her instrument rating. Her goal to become a Certified Flight instructor to help students obtain their Private Pilot’s license.