How to Pass the Written ABOG/ABOOG Exam

How to pass the 2025 ABOG Written EXAM BY Dr. McSherry
Do Questions- Find as many test banks as possible. Try and find the topics you are getting incorrect and pay attention to those topics specifically. Go back to the Practice bulletins and read that topic.
Read the “Pearls of Exxcellence [] Click or tap if you trust this link.”) – this website is key. This actually has all the topics from the oral exam and a lot of these are repeated on the written. pay attention to their references where the material was reproduced from. THERE WILL BE EXAM QUESTIONS ON THESE!
Read the PROLOGS – The newest prolog on Gyn surgery is KEY!! I will guarantee there will be at least 10 questions that will come out of this publication. Concentrate on topics not familiar to you!
ACOG Website. [] Click or tap if you trust this link.”) Sign in make sure you read the Practice advisories; Committee opinions published in the last 2 years. All the Obstetrical consensus, and Clinical practice guidelines are key too. Any new publication, be sure a test question will be written!
Attend Dr. McSherry’s STUDY CAMP 2025. This course is offered July 5-7, and July 12-14, 2025. We cover all the high yield topics that will give you the confidence to pass the written. Day 3 of the course we do a 200 question practice exam. All candidates that have been to my courses over the years have stated “Don’t miss this course it will give you the final boost to pass the EXAM!” If you need practice exams or would like to come to one of my courses, please contact me through Facebook or my website at [] Click or tap if you trust this link.”)